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Ship carbon recycling initiative launched in Japan


Ship carbon recycling initiative launched in Japan

The Ship Carbon Recycling Working Group, formed by MOL and Class NK among others, aims to explore the possibility of producing carbon-free marine fuel via methanation technology

MITSUI OSK is among nine Japanese companies taking part in an initiative to study carbon recycling technologies for green shipping.

The so-called Ship Carbon Recycling Working Group, formed within Japan’s Carbon Capture & Reuse Study Group, aims to explore the feasibility of the concept of utilising methanation technology for zero-emission ship fuels.

Methanation is the reaction by which CO2 and hydrogen are converted into methane and water.

“Through its activities, the WG aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero in sea transportation, which accounts for 99.6% of Japanese imports and exports, and thereby contribute to the formation of a sustainable society,” the shipping giant said in a statement. 

“Specifically, the nine companies plan to assume carbon recycling supply chain of methanation fuel that involves the supply of feedstock CO2, transportation of the feedstock, methanation, and conversion into marine fuel.”

The stakeholders also will calculate the estimated amount of CO2 emissions in the supply chain, identify technical challenges and develop a roadmap to accomplish the goal.

Other members are EX Research Institute, Hitachi Zosen, JFE Steel, JGC Corporation, Japan Marine United, Class NK, Nippon Steel and Sanoyas Shipbuilding.